Act Card Homepage

Tips when submitting your photo:   


File Type:

If your photo shows that it is a .jpg/.jpeg, but you are receiving the errors message “Photo must be a .jpg”, then your photo was taken in high efficiency mode.

Newer iPhones take images in what’s known as a “high efficiency” mode. This results in a high-quality image, but the file will save it as a .heic file not recognized by our online photo submission portal. It will, however, show the file in your phone photos as a .jpg, which is what you are seeing. To change this:

    1. Open ‘settings’ on your iPhone.
    2. Then, tap on ‘camera’.
    3. Choose ‘formats’, from the onscreen options.
    4. Select the ‘most compatible’ format.
    5. Take a new photo of yourself and ID document.
    6. Submit the new photos you have taken.

If you would like to revert your settings back to these “high efficiency” photos, simply go back into the camera settings and change the format back.



If you are seeing the errors listed below, then your photos are the incorrect size.

  • Errors stating: “Your photo must be less than 2MB,” means your photo is too big.

The simplest option is to crop the photo. The ACT Card photo is not a full body photo, but just a headshot. It needs to be cropped to the collarbone to the top of your head. Be sure not to crop off any of your head, including your hair.

  • Errors stating: “Your photo must be greater than 300KB,” mean your photo is too small.

The simplest option is to select a different photo. Photos that are too small when resized and submitted will appear blurry and stretched on the ACT Card. You could also use free resizing apps found on smart phone app stores or computer software, but the photo size requirements must be met before it will be submitted successfully.


Photo and ID in the right spot:

When submitting your photo and ID, please note that we need a regular, non-ID photo of you in the first photo upload spot. In the second spot we need a photo of your ID document. If the files are swapped the submission will be denied.



  • Heavily filtered photos will not be accepted (i.e. Snapchat).
  • Filters will also affect the size of the photo.
  • Be sure that photos are not in “live” mode.


If you continue having problems uploading a photo, please contact the Action Card office.  Email or call 205-348-2288 or 1-800-474-2288


    Criteria for photos:


  • Current color photo in jpg format
  • Neutral color and smooth background
  • Centered and front view of full face
  • Cropped from just above the top of the head to the collarbone
  • Proper lighting
  • Eyes open and visible
  • Wear prescription glasses if you normally do so
  • Photo size between 300KB to 2MB.


  • Wear hats, sunglasses or other items that obscure the face
  • Glare on glasses; closed eyes
  • Shadows on the face
  • Other visible people, pets or objects in the photo
  • Inappropriate expressions
  • Group Photos
  • Blurry Photos
  • Black and White photos
  • Photos with your hand resting on your face
  • Crop off the top of your head or side angle your face