Your Action Card, or “ACT Card”, is your official student ID for The University of Alabama and your key to campus!
The ACT Card is used for Bama Cash, Dining Dollars, meal plans, building access, NCAA athletic events, University Recreation Centers, the Student Health Center, campus entertainment events and more!
ACT Card Accounts
There are three important accounts on the ACT Card: Bama Cash, Dining Dollars and meal plans. You can check your balance, transaction history and meal counts via the eAccounts mobile app or web browser.
Bama Cash
Load money on to your ACT Card and you'll have Bama Cash! From restaurants and grocery stores to gas stations and retail, there are over 100 on- and off-campus Bama Cash vendors

How to add Bama Cash:
eAccounts Mobile app
Only for students, faculty and staffLogin to the eAccounts app and tap the ‘Add Money’ button. Then you can use Apple Pay, a saved payment method*, or input your debit/credit card information to load Bama Cash.
How do I create a saved payment method for eAccounts?
Make a first-time successful deposit through the ACT Card website. At the end of your deposit, select the Save Payment Method option. Your card will then be saved and available for deposits through the eAccounts mobile app.
Action Card Office website
For parents, family, friends, and UA students, faculty and staffUsing the last name and CWID of the UA student, faculty or staff member, login to the eAccounts web browser to make a Guest Deposit to a Bama Cash account.
Over the phone
During regular business hours(Mon. – Fri.; 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. cst)
Contact the Action Card Office at 205-348-2288 during regular business hours and our staff can take a payment for Bama Cash using a credit/debit card.
Important things to know about Bama Cash:
Required at some locations
Residence hall laundry + printingLocations such as residence hall laundry facilities and campus network printing require Bama Cash to use!
End of each semester
What happens to my Bama Cash?Bama Cash stays on the ACT Card until used and will roll over each semester.
Cash withdrawal?
Not availableBama Cash is a debit account on your ACT Card, but cash cannot be withdrawn.
Dining Dollars
Students taking 9 on-campus hours (not including online, co-op, hybrid or internship classes) will be billed for Dining Dollars for fall and spring semesters. Once your schedule is confirmed and student bill pay arrangements have been made, Dining Dollars will be loaded.
Dining Dollars can be used at Bama Dining locations, both on- and off-campus.

Important things to know about Dining Dollars:
End of semester
What happens to my Dining Dollars?Any unused Dining Dollars from the fall semester will stay Dining Dollars through the spring semester.
Once the spring semester has finished, Dining Dollars will roll into Bama Cash.
Summer classes
Do I still get billed for Dining Dollars?Students taking 5 or more on-campus hours (not including online, co-op, hybrid or internship classes) will be billed $100 for Dining Dollars for the summer term.
I’ve run out of Dining Dollars
Can I add more?You cannot add funds to Dining Dollars, but any location that accepts Dining Dollars also accepts Bama Cash, which can be added at any time.
Bama Cash vs. Dining Dollars: What’s the difference?
Meal Plans
Meal plans are loaded to the ACT Card once a plan has been selected. Different meal plan options are available at locations across campus.
You can check your meal plan balance at any time through the eAccounts app or web browser.

Using your ACT Card
in iPhone/Apple Watch
You can use the card without unlocking your iPhone/Apple Watch by utilizing Express Mode!
What is Express Mode?
Express Mode allows you to use the your card at all ACT Card readers without unlocking the device, authenticating with Face ID/Touch ID/passcode or open the Wallet app. Simply hold the device near the ACT Card reader. The ACT Card will automatically pull up and unlock your door/make purchase/enter events/etc. with a checkmark stating "Done" after a successful transaction.
Express Mode is automatically turned on by default after adding your ACT Card to the Apple Wallet.
You can turn Express Mode off if you want to require Face ID/Touch ID/passcode for each transaction.
Turning Express Mode off will deactivate the Power Reserve feature, which allows the ACT Card to be used even after your iPhone's battery dies. (For more information about Power Reserve visit the Mobile FAQ page.)
To turn Express Mode on/off:
iPhone: Open the ACT Card in Apple Wallet > Tap "i" in top right > Toggle Express Mode on/off
If your Apple Wallet starts asking for Face ID/Touch ID/passcode (after iOS update, changes in Settings, etc.), but Express Mode is already turned on, toggle Express Mode off and then back on. This should reset the Express Mode option.
Apple Watch: Open Settings on your Apple Watch > Tap Wallet & Apple Pay > Express Mode > Select the ACT Card and enter Apple Watch passcode.
Concerned about battery life?
While we encourage you to bring a charger/portable battery pack or use on-campus charging options, with the automatic Power Reserve feature for iPhone X and later, you can still use the ACT Card for all services even after your phone dies! Simply double tap the side button and hold the device near the ACT Card reader.
Express Mode must be turned on in order to use Power Reserve.
Power Reserve does not work for iPhones shut down manually by user.
Apple Watches also work independently of iPhones, regardless of whether the Apple Watch has cellular data or not! This means your ACT Card will be available when you are away from your iPhone and not connected to Wi-Fi.
Using your ACT Card
in Samsung/Google Wallet
NFC must be turned on to use Samsung/Google Wallet.
Samsung Wallet users: Use your ACT Card without unlocking/”waking” your phone! Simply hold the device near the ACT Card reader and the ACT Card will pull up and take the requested action.
Concerned about battery life?
While we encourage you to bring a charger/portable battery pack or use on-campus charging options, with the automatic Power Reserve feature for Samsung phones, you can still use the ACT Card for all services even after your phone dies! Requires having NFC + Fast Mode enabled to use.
Samsung Galaxy Watch6 also work independently of Samsung phones. This means your ACT Card will still be available when you are away from your phone.
Google Wallet users: ACT Cards can be used without unlocking your phone, just make sure the screen is “awake” and hold the device near the ACT Card reader!