Act Card Homepage

 Action Card      Free  $35
Contract Vendor  $10  $35
 Community Card  $10  $35
 Badge  $5  $5
 Temporary Card  $0  $10 (not returned by due date)


1.) The University of Alabama is a mobile-first campus meaning the official ID for UA is the mobile card and physical cards are no longer issued for students. Students without compatible mobile devices should contact the Action Card Office (205-348-2288, for assistance.
Action Cards contain internal components. Please handle with care. Damage to your card other than normal wear and tear (holes, water, pet damage, etc.) will result in a
 $35 Replacement Fee.

2.) Replacement cards (if eligible) are authorized for current term students only and fees are billed to the Student Account. Faculty/staff replacement cards are to be paid in office at the time of replacement.

3.) Temporary cards do not contain a photo and are not accepted at any Athletic event or the University Recreation Centers.

4.) Action Cards are non- transferable and a misuse fee of $25.00 will be charged to your student account should you voluntarily let someone else use your credential.

Action Card Office has the right to determine eligibility to receive an Action Card.

Action Card Terms & Conditions